Powerful SMS APIs

Create real phone numbers on demand. Receive SMS and MMS messages in code and tests. Send SMS messages and validate OTP codes.

Programmatic phone numbers

Create real phone numbers in multiple geographic regions. Receive inbound MMS/SMS directly to servers and tests.

Read SMS and extract content

Download and read emails in code and tests. Validate HTML templates extract OTP codes.

Forwarding and automation

Create custom domains, complex routing rules, proxies, and auto-reply automations.

Webhook events and automation

Create automated replies and HTTP webhooks to handle SMS services at scale.

How SMS APIs can benefit your company

Use MailSlurp's phone number platform to build, test, and automate SMS messaging for any framework.

Real-World Testing

Using real phone numbers in code and tests allows developers and QA testers to perform end-to-end testing of SMS-based functionality in applications or services. This ensures that the SMS sending, receiving, and processing features work as intended in real-world scenarios, leading to more reliable and robust systems.

Network and Carrier Compatibility

Testing with real phone numbers ensures that the application or service is compatible with various mobile networks and carriers. This helps identify and resolve any carrier-specific issues that may arise, such as message routing, delivery delays, or differences in SMS formatting. By testing on actual networks, developers and QA testers can optimize the user experience across diverse carriers and geographical regions.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Using real phone numbers for receiving SMS messages during development and testing enables developers and QA testers to monitor and analyze the performance of the SMS functionality. This helps identify any issues related to message delivery, latency, or content formatting, and aids in troubleshooting and resolving problems more efficiently. Additionally, it also helps ensure compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards for SMS messaging.