In 2003, a new law concerning email was passed in the United States. CAN-SPAM gave email recipients the right to stop receiving bulk emails they didn't want. This article will discuss a native unsubscribe option, list-unsubscribe, and how to confirm an email. We will also understand what is confirm email means.

What is the list-unsubscribe header?

The list-unsubscribe field describes the command to unsubscribe users directly. An unsubscribe link or button is displayed next to the email sender's information. A header is a user-friendly place where you don't have to search through the body of the email text. It also helps you with confirmation emails.

Why should I provide users with unsubscribed headers?

The CAN-SPAM Act requires companies to include an unsubscribe option in emails. Look into the various advantages of unsubscribed headers;

  • Having a list-unsubscribe option in your email header is not a call to unsubscribe. It is proof of your confidence that this content is worth the reader's attention. A waffling or cowardly marketer will try to hide the unsubscribe link in the text.
  • With the list-unsubscribe header, you will avoid getting into this kind of trouble in the first place. This is the last thing any marketer wants to see happen.
  • The list-unsubscribe header is a release trigger. You will lose inert subscribers but will raise the engagement rate. They are no longer your customers, but you don't know it. This is a deadweight for your email campaigns, and you have to let them go.

How unsubscribed implementation methods work

To do so, add the list-unsubscribe header to all outgoing emails using Postfix or use the 'opt-out' option in the email header. If you use an email service provider, you can ask them to insert the list-unsubscribe header into your email. Or you can do this yourself, using the ESP's documentation. There are two types of unsubscribing methods: mailto and HTTP.


Mailto is the most commonly used method for implementing the list-unsubscribe header. When a user clicks the unsubscribe link, the mail client generates an email with an unsubscribe request and sends it to a specified email address. You also need to process the request and unsubscribe this user.

HTTP or unsubscribed URL

With the HTTP method, behind the list-unsubscribe header, a URL leads to a web page for opting out. When a user clicks the unsubscribe link, a landing page opens, and the user is asked to confirm unsubscription. It is best to use this method with mailto because the recipient's inbox client may not support it.

One-click unsubscribe and the best method to select

The unsubscribe decision is made with one click. Not all email clients support the HTTP method, so don't bet on using it alone. With mailto list-unsubscribe, your sender reputation is better protected, and your recipients can all accomplish the unsubscribe function. This is how a confirmation email is carried out.

Tools to check list-unsubscribe and spamminess of your emails

If you've set up list-unsubscribe, you'll see the option in the header right next to the sender name. You can verify titles in detail by clicking the three dots near the Reply button and "Show original" in the dropdown menu.

MailSlurp is a full-service solution for building excellent email functionality. It can trap your emails, so you don't have to use fake email addresses for testing purposes.


Always look into the information above when you want to write a proper email or when you want to send one. You can make your boss proud of you because they will find your email very qualified through this.