Sending emails programmatically can be an important feature for many applications, from sending notifications to users, to automating reports and reminders. One popular method for sending emails from applications is by using the Gmail API. In this post, we'll cover the basics of setting up the Gmail API and how to send emails using it.


  1. A Google account with Gmail enabled.
  2. Basic understanding of Python.
  3. Google Cloud SDK installed.

Setting Up the Gmail API

1. Create a Project in Google Cloud Console

Start by visiting the Google Cloud Console.

  • Click on and provide a name for your new project.
  • Once the project is created, select it.

2. Enable the Gmail API

  • Inside the project dashboard, click on > .
  • Search for "Gmail API" and click on it.
  • Click .

3. Set up OAuth 2.0

To access Gmail programmatically, you'll need credentials.

  • Go to > .
  • Click and choose .
  • For application type, select and create.
  • Download the generated JSON credentials.

Sending Emails with Python

With the setup complete, we can write a Python script to send emails.

1. Install Required Libraries

2. Write the Script

This script will:

  1. Authenticate using OAuth 2.0.
  2. Create an email with specified sender, recipient, subject, and body.
  3. Send the email using the Gmail API.


The Gmail API is a robust tool that allows for programmatic interaction with Gmail accounts. While this guide covered sending emails, the Gmail API provides much more, including reading, deleting, and managing emails. When integrating the Gmail API, always ensure you respect user privacy and handle credentials securely.