Email blasts are the undisputed powerhouses of email campaigns. However, email blasts gone wrong will land in spam folders faster than a hacker can crack a four-digit password. Before sending an email blast, ensure you're compliant with any data protection laws that might apply in your market. When you do this, it will be easier to send mass emails.

What Is An Email Blast?

An email blast is a single email sent to a large group of people. Your reasons for sending an email blast may vary. You might have a limited-time offer, a big announcement, or something else that you want people to know about.

Email blasts are different from transactional emails. Transactional emails are triggered by a consumer action - like an online order or password reset request. Automated emails are messages sent to other contacts when a particular condition is met, such as a birthday or abandoned carts.

Email blasting best practices

Email blasts are often associated with mass spamming strategies. Targeted emails tend to generate better engagement because they provide more value to the user. As a result, they also have better deliverability and are more effective at engaging users in real-time.

Don'ts Of Email Blasts

Bad email practices are something to consider with every email you send. They can hurt your open rates and overall engagement metrics.

Don't send mass emails from new domains and new IPS

An email blast right out the gate for any new domain or IP is a one-way ticket to the spam folder. Consider using an older environment or warm up your IP before sending that much email at once and you're bound to have better results, experts say.

Don't send mass emails to old email lists

With GDPR taking effect, old email lists are a fast way to end up in the spam folder. Make sure your lists are clean and composed of users who have completed your opt-in. Even if you think your email campaign will interest them, it's better to ditch that old email list and avoid sending mass emails.

Don't mislead your participants

You cannot mask an email marketing campaign under the guise of a transactional email receipt. This is covered in the many data protection laws around the world. Click-bait tends to hit spam filters easily, so it's best to avoid it. Plus, everyone hates being misled.

Don't send generic in-email content

Email personalisation can lead to fewer unsubscribes, higher click-through rates, and more conversions. Adding personalisation based on demographics, behaviour, interests, or personal preferences will lead to better emails. Most email marketing software also offers this option for personalisation.

The Do's Of Email Blasts

Do follow email best practices

It's always a good idea to follow best practices for your emails. Use consistent preheaders, subject lines, CTAs, and tone of voice to give a familiar first impression. Always send to email lists that are updated and clean. Focus on strategic engagement to plan the email frequency of your marketing emails.

Make sure you're ESP can handle your email volume

Email Service Providers (ESPs) always have different tiers of service. Not all ESPs have an excellent solution for burst sending or email blasts. Bottlenecking leads to incorrect sending times, which might impact your complaint rate. Make sure your ESP can handle your volume.

In this article, we have given you an overview of how to send mail email, and it also gives you email tips on the does and don'ts of sending a mass email; look into them keenly, and you will learn a lot from the article.