If cybercriminals gain access to your personal information, a lot of things may go wrong. They could access your bank accounts, medical records, business secrets, and other essential documents. There are techniques to make it more difficult for the average criminal to steal your information, even though the digital world seems porous.

One method to lower the dangers of password compromise is multi-factor authentication. It aids by introducing an additional layer of defense that stops attacks that cost organizations millions of dollars. What exactly is Multi-Factor Authentication, and how does it work?

What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

The multi-factor authentication (MFA) method allows a user to provide at least two identity-verifying factors before gaining access to an application. When you hear of these, the first thing you may think of is usually your login and password. But MFA requests one or more extra verification elements, which reduces the possibility of a successful cyberattack, as opposed to only requesting a username and password.

How Does MFA Work?

MFA works by requiring users to enter an extra form of authentication to access their accounts. The Binance application demonstrates this feature, as it emails you an OTP each time you try to enter your account. You must enter your login and password correctly before proceeding.

One-time passwords are among the MFA components that consumers come across most frequently (OTP). OTPs are those 4 to 8-digit codes you get as emails, SMS, or via a mobile app. You will receive new OTPs codes each time an authentication request is made.

Three Primary MFA Authentication Methods

The three forms of extra information that most MFA authentication methodologies rely on are as follows:

  • A password or PIN

  • A badge or things you possess like USB devices, Smart Cards, software tokens and certificates, fobs or security keys

  • Voice recognition or biometric captures like fingerprints

Other Types of Multi-Factor Authentication

  • Location-based: Location-based MFA typically uses a user's geolocation and, if available, IP address. If a user's location information does not match what is listed on a whitelist, this information can be used to simply deny them access.

  • Adaptive Authentication or Risk-based Authentication: With Adaptive Authentication enabled, a user who signs in late at night from a cafe---a behavior they don't typically engage in---might need to provide a code that is texted to their phone in addition to inputting their username and password. But when they log in from the office during the day, they will input just their email and password.

Benefit of MFA

The significant advantage of MFA is the additional login consent to username and password. Also, it ensures an organization remains safe from cybercriminals by requiring the use of an MFA factor, such as a thumbprint or actual hardware key.

What Distinguishes MFA from Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?

You can use both MFA and two-factor authentication interchangeably. MFA can include two or more components, while 2FA only requires two, which is why 2FA is essentially a subset of MFA.


Your first line of protection against cybercriminals is an efficient and enforced MFA policy. It ensures that cybercriminals who spend their entire life trying to steal your information do not have access to your documents and files.