Just imagine sending the same email to millions of your clients one by one? That would be a very tiresome task to do. It will cost you precious time, thus money. Even so, before all clients get the message, most times the news will already be absolute.

Take, for instance; you are inviting them for an event! And that is why you may need an SMTP relay that helps you send this one message to everyone on your mailing list on command.

How to use SMTP relay

Sure, you can set up an SMTP on your own, but why should you if you can use a free open relay from a reputable platform.

For your bulk emails, you can use a free open SMTP relay. But in order to send an email, you must first set up an SMTP server on your computer. This can be a time-consuming and complicated process. On top of dealing with security concerns, ensuring that emails are sent to their intended recipients can be difficult. For the simple reason that the vast majority of email service providers have stringent spam detection barriers in place, any email sent from a custom SMTP server has a significant possibility of being caught by one of those filters.

Why use an SMTP relay server?

A mail relay is a practical and straightforward approach to address the spam and security issues that outbound mail servers can cause. You just forward your outgoing email to an SMTP server that is professionally managed, and the third party sends the emails on your behalf.

Closed relay means the SMTP server only transmits messages generated on the intranet or server, whereas open relay means the SMTP server routes both external and internal server mail. Open mail relays are more expansive by nature, but they might also be more subject to spam misuse.

Your personal email address, such as your Gmail account, is meaningless with SMTP relay. In a nutshell, mail relay allows you to utilize whatever email you choose without having to construct or manage your own SMTP relay server.

How does email relay work?

Some people aren't aware of how flexible an open free SMTP server may be when it isn't being used directly. For example, if you're sending outgoing mail in bulk, the SMTP server does not just send through all of the outgoing emails simultaneously.

iTo the contrary, these platforms automatically queue which emails should be sent to which email clients, based on parameters such as Gmail receiving standards and maximum email sending limits, and then send those emails to the appropriate recipients. More outbound emails are delivered to their intended recipients as a result of this reduction in email service provider blocking.

Email relay set up

This process might differ from provider to provider, but this is the general procedure for most free open SMTP relay emails.

To set up your SMTP relay server, all you have to do is add and validate your domain name. You choose between a dedicated and shared IP address and then follow the on-screen instructions. You'll need to enter your username and password, as well as the hostname and port number of your SMTP server, into the configuration settings of your application before you can begin sending.

To add an additional degree of protection to your email, you can use either a standard or an SSL connection, depending on which port you are connecting through.

Using a free email account with an open free email SMTP relay will alleviate your worries while also saving you time and expense.


When it comes to sending bulk emails to your clients, using an SMTP relay is a smart choice to make. Sending individual emails to millions of clients would be a time-consuming and tedious task, and by the time the message reaches all of them, it may already be out of date.

However, setting up an SMTP server on your own can be complicated and risky, with security concerns and the possibility of emails getting caught by spam filters. This is where an SMTP relay server comes in handy. It is a third-party server that forwards your outgoing emails, ensuring they are sent to the intended recipients and reducing the risk of getting caught in spam filters.

Using an open and free SMTP relay with your personal email account, such as Gmail, can save you time and money while alleviating your concerns.