Email templates with variables provide a flexible and efficient way to send personalized and dynamic content in transactional emails. These templates can greatly enhance the user experience by making emails more relevant and engaging.

What is an Email Template?

An email template is a pre-designed email layout that you can use to create and send emails without having to start from scratch each time. These templates can include various elements such as text, images, and placeholders for dynamic content. The placeholders, often referred to as variables, can be filled with personalized information for each recipient, making the email more relevant and engaging.

Key Features of an Email Template

  1. Reusable Design: Email templates are designed to be reused, ensuring consistency across multiple emails. This saves time and effort as you don't need to design each email from the ground up.
  2. Dynamic Content: Templates can include variables that are replaced with specific data when the email is sent. For example, can be replaced with the recipient's actual name.
  3. Consistent Branding: By using templates, you ensure that all your emails adhere to your brand guidelines, maintaining a uniform look and feel.
  4. Flexibility: Templates can be adapted for various types of emails, such as newsletters, transactional emails, and promotional campaigns.

Example of an Email Template

Here’s a simple example of an email template with variables:

In this example, , , , and are variables that will be replaced with actual values when the email is sent.

Benefits of Using Email Templates with Variables

  1. Personalization: By using variables, you can tailor each email to the recipient, including their name, purchase details, or account information, making the email feel more personal and relevant.
  2. Consistency: Templates ensure that all emails maintain a consistent format and branding, which is important for professionalism and brand recognition.
  3. Efficiency: Templates save time by eliminating the need to write individual emails for each recipient. You can create a template once and use it multiple times with different data.
  4. Error Reduction: By automating the insertion of variables into templates, the chances of manual errors are reduced, ensuring that all details are correctly placed in each email.
  5. Scalability: Templates with variables are easily scalable, allowing you to send hundreds or thousands of personalized emails with minimal effort.

Using MailSlurp email templates

Please see the template controller in the API documentation.

Creating templates

Use the MailSlurp API to create email templates.

Templates support moustache syntax variable replacement.

Sending with templates

Sending is easy:

More examples

See the examples repository for more information.