MailSlurp is an email testing API that lets you create real email addresses for tests, code, and online using the MailSlurp email testing app.

Email testing services

Some common alternatives to MailSlurp include:

  • Mailinator
  • Mailosaur
  • Testmail
  • MailTrap
  • MailCheck

Unique features

  • MailSlurp has been around for a long time and is constantly improving.
  • It has official APIs in many languages and a simple REST API.
  • Advanced wait for and filter results: with MailSlurp you can wait on and filter for emails like no other service.

How to use MailSlurp

MailSlurp can be used in code, integration tests, or using the online dashboard.

Testing email addresses

Then use the returned attachment IDs in the SendEmailOptions of your email send call.

Here are some examples using CSharp and DotNet:

Get sent emails

Extract email content

MailSlurp has powerful code and visual dashboard features

Create team inboxes

Share emails and attachments with team email access.

View spam ratings and attachments online

Virus check email contents or use machine learning spam analysis to score your emails.

Perform email HTML verification and more.